May Updates: Memorial Day Prayer Gathering at Shellmound; City Council Meeting

Please join us on Memorial Day—Monday May 28—for a prayer gathering at the West Berkeley Shellmound site to honor the ancestors. We will gather from 10:00am to 11:30am at 1900 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA.

The following day, we invite the public to stand with us at the Berkeley City Council meeting on Tuesday May 29th from 6:00-7:00pm at Old City Hall, 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way. We will hold a press conference earlier at 5pm, at 2180 Milvia St, Berkeley.

If you can’t make it to the City Council meeting, you can still help by contacting the Berkeley City Planner [] and City Attorney [], and by donating to our legal defense fund via this website.

In other news, Corrina Gould (Lisjan Ohlone) published an op-ed in Berkeleyside on May 23, "Desecrating the Ohlone village site at West Berkeley shellmound won’t solve housing crisis." And finally, artist Micah Bazant produced a beautiful new Save the West Berkeley Shellmound poster: